Start any of these techniques when you feel that you are reaching your limit. They will help you regain calm immediately. Experts warn that due to stress and anxiety, consultations have skyrocketed in recent months. And it does not surprise us because of the “new normality” of the second and third waves? He has us all on edge.
And in these long months of putting your patience to the test, you will have a hard time finding time for anything to spend half an hour putting into practice the relaxation methods that usually work for you (yoga, mindfulness).
Don’t worry. For desperate situations, solutions work! These 10 techniques will reduce your stress level in no time.
Table of Contents
1. Talk About Yourself In The Third Person
A study from Michigan State University (USA), published in Scientific Reports, revealed that talking about oneself in the third person is a simple form of self-control.
According to the study, it helps to establish a psychological distance from the cause of stress and can help regulate emotions.
2. Look For Fractals
Certain studies suggest that contemplating fractals (geometric objects whose pattern is repeated repeatedly, such as ocean waves, tree branches, ferns…) produces a calming effect.
If you get nervous, direct your eyes to these patterns. Ideally, according to research, you should do this for about 20 minutes a day, but a few seconds can help you start to relax.
3. Close The “Hoku” Point Of The Hand
Hoku points are famous in Chinese medicine. They are located on both hands, in the area where the lines form between the thumb and index finger and are used to benefit mood. By stimulating this point, ailments can be relieved, including stress.
4. Salivation Technique
Some psychologists offer their patients this procedure to relax. It consists of placing the tongue at the base of the mouth, breathing deeply to relax the face and jaw, and beginning to run the gums and the back of the lower teeth with the tongue until saliva accumulates. Then, they swallow, and the process is repeated several times.
5. Listen To Music On Frequency 432 Hz
They call it the frequency of happiness because it releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, the hormones that make us feel so good. On various platforms (YouTube, Google…), you can find music on this frequency.
Put on some headphones and let yourself be carried away by these sounds that free and calm your mind. They work great for relaxing and lounging. But some resort to them to meditate, read or even concentrate on studying or doing other activities such as painting, puzzles…
6. Salt Baths… And Beer!
When you feel like you can’t take it anymore, fill the bathtub and add a kilo of salt to emulate seawater. Taking a hot bath has soothing effects, but the minerals in the salt help release toxins and relax your muscles. Another calming option is to bathe in beer.
It may sound crazy, but some experts say that soaking in this liquid has relaxing properties. There is no scientific evidence, but the explanation could be in the hops, whose fragrance contains phytoestrogens, which effectively relieve stress.
7. Pet Your Pet
You already know how critical these “bugs” are for your well-being if you have a pet. When you get on your nerves, pet her. Spending more time alone with your dog or cat could be even more relaxing than sharing your problems with your family, partner, or friends, or at least this is what a study from the State University of New York in Buffalo (USA) concludes. The USA).
8. Bridge To Fregar Or Plan
Performing tasks that involve the repetition of movements or exercises reduces nervousness. The reason: our mind focuses on how to do that task, and stops focusing on the reason for concern. As simple as sweeping, washing up, or ironing, tasks can “fog” your mind.
9. Aromatherapy
Having a scent at hand that takes you back to a good time in your past life is another tool to help you stay afloat in times of stress. It can be a meal, perfume, or any detail that comforts you and brings your mind closer to a beautiful memory. You will relax.
10. Smile
Do it even if you don’t feel like it. A study published in the journal Experimental Psychology showed that even a forced smile generates positive emotions because we stimulate the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center, and it does not distinguish between a real or a fake smile.
Do You Feel Like You’re Going To Explode?
A pharmacist and director give us some keys to identify it:
- You do not concentrate, and it takes a long time to do any task; You start various things, but you don’t finish them.
- On the contrary, you have insomnia or spend the day dozing.
- You eat without control, or you are never hungry.
- You don’t feel like sex.
How It Can Affect You
Del Tura explains what illnesses stress can cause:
- Digestive system: gastritis, irritable colon, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, and constipation.
- Cardiovascular system: high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart attack, coagulation problems…
- Locomotor system: muscular contractures that can cause: bruxism, headache, abdominal pain, lower back pain and pain in the neck and shoulder area, dizziness…
- Respiratory system: asthma, allergies, choking sensation…
- Immune system: arthritis, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, polymyalgia rheumatic, allergic and atopic reactions…
- Reproductive system: alterations of the menstrual cycle, infertility…
- Dermatological problems: hair loss, psoriasis, acne, atopic dermatitis…
- Emotional instability: can trigger attacks of anxiety and depression.
How To Manage It Well
The director of the Institute of Stress recommends:
- Try to live in the “here and now,” avoiding anticipating future scenarios.
- Prioritize tasks, starting with the essential ones.
- Learn to say no so as not to overload yourself.
- Free time available for dedication.
- Do physical activity regularly.
- Connect with friends and family, even online.
Beauty Gazelle
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